Bikram Teacher Training


For those of you who didn’t know, I am about to head off to the US to attend a two and a bit month-long yoga teacher training program to become a Bikram Certified Teacher. After a couple of years debating it I decided its time and such a great opportunity. This means I am about to spend the next nine weeks living, breathing, sleeping, eating, yoga.

I’m sure it will be up there with one of the most difficult thing I have ever done as it involves, 9 weeks, 100 classes in a hot room with 400 other students and a lot of sweat. Along with lectures, exams and of course learning the 90 minutes of yoga dialogue verbatim. Yes that means long days.

For those of you who are not familiar with Bikram Yoga: our eleven classes a week consist each of 90 minutes in a room heated to about 40 degrees (again, did I mention there will be roughly 400 of us all in one room. Good thing I am used to being surrounded by people dripping in sweat)

I’m sure the challenges will be felt, physically, mentally and emotionally so why do it?

All I know is doing Bikram Yoga over the past 4 years has changed my life for the better, physically, mentally and emotionally. I have made it apart of my life and also met some fantastic people through yoga. I believe it will always be apart of my life and look forward to teaching others and sharing in their yoga journey.

I’m also lucky to be going with 3 fantastic students from my yoga studio and sharing a room with Katy. It should be a blast.

Things I am looking forward to

1. Meeting Bikram and teachers from around the world

2. Becoming a yoga teacher

3. Sights of California

Things I’m not looking forward to..

1. Being away from everyone I love 😦 (including my puppies)

2. The pain

3. Lack of sleep

Below the crew from Geelong going to TT


One thought on “Bikram Teacher Training

  1. Hi Ann,
    was hoping to see you before you left but time has got away. Have a wonderful time and don’t forget to pack your stone and have it by your bedside table!!!
    Kick ass you awesome foursome girls from Aussie, will be looking forward to you all coming back and taking your class’s, have a safe trip.

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